Friday, May 27, 2005

Tucker Gets a Massage

Tucker Gets a Massage

When we learned a few days ago that massage was a regular part of the childrens' lives, we asked if we could watch a massage in progress, and they were very happy to do so. In fact, we volunteered Tucker as the subject. At first, he was slightly reluctant, but as you can see in the picture, he warmed up to it pretty quickly. The entire massage was about 20 minutes long, and concentrated on his legs. We learned that all the children below one year of age get a massage every day (every day!), and after that they get it "as needed" -- usually on a schedule of 10 days on, two weeks off. Tucker, since he was born so premature, received massage every day the whole time he was at the baby house. Linda and I have regrets that we weren't aware of this, and that this has not been a regular part of his life since coming home with us. We plan to change that. We videotaped the entire massage today, and plan to work this into his life right away, somehow. By the way, today was the first day Tucker stayed asleep as we arrived back at the apartment. Coincidence? I think not. Papa's turn next, please. Check for a new link at the right, for a video.


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