Thursday, May 26, 2005

Quick update on 'Bacca

Hi. Mike here.

I'm not going to write much because I just posted some pictures along with a long letter from Linda (slight exaggeration). Scroll down for all that.

But I did want to mention that, while we refer to Mia as "Mia" here in the blog, and to each other, we are pretty regularly calling her 'Bacca when we're with her. The name "Mia" is confusing to her right now, because it sounds too much like the Russian word for "my" or "mine." "Bacca" is actually her nickname already -- it was before we arrived -- so it's easy for her, and for us. We'll see. But that's how it sits right now.

...also I wanted to mention that I can't BELIEVE I didn't go back for the picture of the slaughtered horse (head and all) sitting on a push cart, out in the open air at the green market. Once in a lifetime shot. ...hmmm... maybe not just once. I won't miss it again.


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