Monday, May 23, 2005

Dva Piva

Mike here.

Quick note to remind you to scroll down to see Linda's recent post, and a picture of the kids (love the sound of that) on the swing. Also, some new movies posted on the sidebar to the right of this page.

"Dva Piva" means "two beers," by the way. A 1/2 liter beer (about 16 ounces) costs about 50 cents. And it's good beer. The Vodka, incidentally, costs about a buck for 0.7 liters.


Blogger karen love mathieu said...

New Movies:

Thanks..I got carsick! Perhaps a new IMAX movie in the making.

I Can't Wait!!!!


3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly hope you get that picture of the kids on the swing blown up and framed! Maybe you could wall-paper a room with it;) It's an awesome shot of 2 incredibly adorable children. We are so happy for you guys, and love following this site. Thanks!

April, Zach & Kai Taylor -9/2/04 Taldy-Korgan
waiting for a referral for a baby girl

8:29 AM  

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