Friday, May 20, 2005

Call and response...

Linda here. To say making this trip happen has been stressful is quite an understatement but of course again it is one of the most important things (next to adopting Tucker) I or we have ever done.

We arrived at the baby house about 3:30pm today. One of the caregivers recognized Tucker and came running over with open arms saying Takhirka, Takhirka. I forewarned Tucker about this so he took it in stride. He had earlier said "I don't like Takhir, I am not Takhir, I am Tucker". I told him he could say "please call me Tucker" - he smiled and said "I love you mama." We talked about how loving the caregivers are and this is really about how much they love you. Tucker is taking it all in, and there is a lot to take in.

We had our first real full length visit with Mia today. She is so sweet and has her name "Baghoot" translates, she is sheer "happiness". We were told Mia was not able to nap. She was so excited at the thought of seeing us. We walked in as the children were getting ready for their afternoon snack. 12 children were seated around 3 little tables for cake and milk. Following snack they were escorted one by one as they finished to the potty, then Mia grabbed Tucker's hand and led us outside. She seems to float and fly rather than walk or run. We made it out to the sandbox (no sand, just dirt) where Mia was talking nonstop and pouring dirt into cups. I started repeating what she was saying and soon we had quite a call and response going. I have no idea if what she was saying was mostly Russian, or if it was her own language. I would throw in an English phrase or two and she would repeat those. I don't think she will have any problem with the language.

After about an hour of play I was bursting and asked for a hug. I suspected I wouldn't get one but then I asked Tucker to give papa a hug, then Tucker gave Mia a hug then Tucker gave mama a hug and within a few minutes Mia was giving out kisses on the cheek. ....gotta go, Tucker wants help settling in - he needs hugs, lots of hugs



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