Friday, July 01, 2005

Welcome Home

Welcome Home
Originally uploaded by mmfranke.
This is the sign that greeted us on our front door. Thanks, Mom and Dad. It's good to be home.


Blogger karen love mathieu said...

Hi there:

Welcome Home! And here we are in Koshetau at the Cottage where I know you visited the Louca family.
It is quite a'trip' being here but I am enjoying it. The ride to The Baby House is a bit stressful and 2 days ago a tire blew out. Sasha is adorable and you can catch up on our blog. www.tokazwithlove.blogspot com
We could not actually access on our computer until yesterday as we were wireless and had to switch to dail up. There are many ups and downs in this initial 'bonding'period and we too were told to be 'firm'. Sasha likes the idea that his Mama & Papa are here but we all know what a big a adjustment it will be for him. He will..if all is fine..come to live with us in the cottage after court on July 18th.

Would love to hear from you. We have met your friends , the Treadwells, and there is a great photo of them on our blog.

All my best;


6:32 PM  

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