Friday, June 24, 2005

Soon back in Almaty

Linda here...
We thought we might take a walk over to the ferris
wheel today, but no such luck. It is raining.

There was a change of plans this am for Sveta. She
called us at 10am. She is to go to Astana to pick up
another couple. Sveta and Oleg came over at 10:30 and
we settled all payments and talked about arrangements
for the flight. She left us in the capable hands of
her cousin Timor, a student whom we've met. His
English is certainly not as good as hers. I am sure
he will do fine, but it helps to know that she has
cell phone access with him.

Most of our packing is done. The kids are chasing
each other and getting along fantastically. Yea! We
have our ears ready for an upset, but none so far.

Just two hours to go before we catch our ride.

I am still feeling the wonderful effects of my massage
yesterday. Sveta called and had a massage therapist
come over to the apartment. We timed it so the kids
would be napping. Yes, this actually worked. I had a
honey massage that lasted an hour and 15 minutes. I
tried to give her 2000 tenge but she put 1000 of it
down and headed for the door. The massage cost about
$9. Oh, if only I could get these in the states.
The only disconcerting part was that she took my blood
pressure before and after. Humm. Seems like a good
idea really, but I just never had it done before.

Will write again in Almaty.

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Blogger karen love mathieu said...

The massage sounds great! I could use one right now. Do you know the massage therapist's name should I need to inquire when I am there?

Good luck in Almaty. I hope the kids continue to get along..they are so cute together!


2:32 AM  

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