Monday, June 20, 2005

Shampoo for bloodstains

Linda here...

I woke this morning to Bacha's bloodied face.
Sometime after 1am she had a nosebleed. Of course she
seems to spin during the night when she sleeps so
there was blood everywhere. We went out this morning
to find hydrogen peroxide which I had heard yesterday
was good for removing blood from clothing. We called
Sveta to help us.

We bought a small bottle of "like" hydrogen peroxide
to use on a piece of cotton for her next nosebleed,
but I wasn't so sure this was the right stuff ofr
bloodstains, so I did the most resourceful thing and
went to Google for help.

Shampoo, any old shampoo will remove bloodstains.
This we have. I spent the last 20 minutes scrubbing
shampoo on the stains with my fingernail and it looks
like all the blood is gone. Just to be safe I left
all the sheets to soak in the tub. Yea for Internet

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